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Behind the Words

My name is Jevon Jordan McKinney and I am a Live Reporter and Anchor for CTV Channel 11 News, and Intern for Top 100 Market News Station KKTV 11 News as well as a youth editor, writer, and interviewer for My Black Colorado Magazine. I am a Boettcher Scholar and student at Colorado State University in Fort Collins studying Journalism & Media Communications. I am also a young filmmaker for the 2021 class of the Youth Documentary Academy. I am very interested in race & culture and love telling stories about real people.

I have always believed that everyone has a voice. However, I know that not everyone has access to a platform to use it. My mission is to travel to these underrepresented communities as a beacon of communication so that no one ever has their voice silenced again. Feel free to contact me! 

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About Me: About Me
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